Product Advice
We are always happy to give you advice on how to use our products. But we've also included some frequently asked questions below for each product:
TabTime Automated Pill Dispenser
To trouble shoot the most common issues with your dispenser please watch our troubleshooting video:
How do I set the time on my TabTime Medelert?
How do I set an alarm on my TabTime Medelert?
My TabTime Medelert's carousel has stopped turning can you help me?
TabTime Timer
Where can I get a copy of the instructions?
Can you turn off the alarm once it's been activated or do you just have to wait until it finishes?
My TabTime Timer's screen has gone blank, can you help me?
How do I change my TabTime Timer from 24 to 12 hour time format?
TabTime Super 8
Where can I get a copy of the instructions?
TabTime Remote Control
Channel buttons are not pairing
Which buttons can I use to put subtitles on?
TabTime Big Button Phone
Setting up the one touch buttons
Setting Up Videos
TabTime Timer Setting Up Video